Nume/Name * MrsMrMsBabyMasterProfDrGenRepSenSt Varsta/Age * Sunt... / I am a... * Tanar(a) / Young person -- 18 - 30 ani / ageLucrator de tineret / Youth WorkerVoluntar / Volunteer Seminarul pentru care aplic / I apply for * - Alege / Choose -Living together in Europe: Our Challenge! Ce experienta ai in evenimente internationale, cu grupuri interculturale? / What is your experience in international activities, with intercultural groups? * Experienta pe acces la drepturi sociale / Experience on access to social rights * Ai derulat deja activitati locale pe tema accesului tinerilor la drepturi sociale sau incluziune sociala? Detaliaza / Have you already implemented local actions on access to Social Rights for young people or social inclusion? Please explain De ce doresc sa particip / Why I want to apply * max 10 randuri / max. 10 lines Ce voi face in continuarea seminarului / My follow-up activity * max. 10 randuri / max. 10 lines Ma angajez sa particip pe intreaga durata a seminarului / I commit myself to attend the whole duration of the seminar * Da / YesNu / No Am luat la cunostinta si sunt de acord cu conditiile financiare legate de participarea la acest seminar (costuri de transport, taxe de participare), precum si ca asigurarea de sanatate intra in responsabilitatea mea // I am aware of the financial conditions for my participation in the seminar (travel costs, participation fees) & that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility at my own expenses * Da / YesNu / No Email * Phone * Prev Next Submit